The word is BIZARRE!

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Airport worker destroys plane after getting fired in Russia. 4-26-16
        Beginning the first of April 2016 the word BIZARRE began coming to mind as a description of all the extreme craziness that has been occurring throughout the world. Since then I have noticed numerous things that fit the description of bizarre. In fact I am hearing more and more people using the word bizarre to describe these occurrences.
      What does bizarre mean? Well according to the dictionary it means very strange, odd, or unusual, something out of the ordinary or abnormal. Here are some synonyms that might help describe bizarre: outlandish, unusual, weird, extraordinary, peculiar, or ludicrous. Strange it is . . .  and strange it will be!
car dog walking

Woman ‘Walking’ Dog From Moving Car 4-26-16

       Here is what God’s Word says about such things. “Your eyes will see strange sights, and your mind will imagine confusing things” Proverbs 23:33. “Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you” 1 Peter 4:12.
       It may seem strange to you, especially if you are going through such bizarre circumstances yourself. But since we are now living in a world of confusion and chaos the bizarre will become more commonplace. This is inevitable when there is a spiritual vacuum of God’s presence and power. Therefore, people’s thinking will become more distorted and there corresponding actions quite absurd.
       However, “Don’t be led astray by various kinds of strange teachings; for it is good for the heart to be established by grace” Hebrews 13:9. You don’t need all the fads being promoted by the world or the latest teachings being presented by the Christian community to survive. These things are also bizarre compared to the simplicity that is in Christ Jesus alone.
      Jesus is all you need! He began the good work in you, and He will perform it through you. That’s what grace is all about. And remember where sin abounds, grace does much more abound! So stay true to Him and His Word and He will get you through it all. His grace is sufficient!

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