Available as an ebook or a paperback book
MY 23: The Lord is MY Shepherd
The Lord wants to be your Shepherd. Therefore, He offers to exchange your old worn out life for His glorious new life. He wants to give you the very best—Himself—so that you can become your best in Him. This is God’s love gift to you. Once you receive Christ, you can boldly say . . . The Lord is my Shepherd!!!
- Shepherd
- Provision
- Rest
- Peace
- Restoration
- Righteousness
- Presence
- Comfort
- Safety
- Energy
- Surely
- Dwell
- “I was delighted to read “My 23 ~ The Lord is my Shepherd!” Your writing of A New Covenant Perspective on Psalm 23 is a declarative statement of God’s grace toward mankind through His Son Jesus Christ. Beautiful analogy of David’s dependency on the Lord as his shepherd and God’s provision for him through adversity and trials he faced and triumphed over. Then how God sent his Son Jesus to fulfill the covenant between Himself and mankind…He became our provision; knowing that we needed Him. So that when we receive Christ, the Lord becomes our Shepherd who meets all our needs…He is now our Good Shepherd. When we are trusting in Him we have everything we need, wanting for nothing! Just like David we triumph in Him. Amazing GRACE…the Lord is my Shepherd! I believe the Lord has anointed your words written in MY 23 so it shall minister to a multitude of hearts both far & wide. Praying that God will abundantly bless this work for His Glory!” ND
Psalm 23 is a foreshadowing of the Good Shepherd and our relationship to Him. This relationship was made possible as a result of Christ’s fulfillment of The Everlasting Covenant. The Covenant between God and mankind is now complete. Therefore, let’s revisit Psalm 23 from a New Testament perspective to find out what this means.
MY 23: The Lord is MY Shepherd
ebook: $ 2.99 Amazon
Approximately 72 pages using Kindle reader with standard size book pages
Order a copy of this life-changing message today!
Paperback book: $ 9.99 Amazon
Book size 5″ x 8″ with 72 pages
Order a copy of this life-changing message today!