How it all began

Source Ministries began with a vision for missions.   It was launched with the help of a brother from India.  When the Lord led us to begin Source Ministries International in November 1982 we went to meet with our friend Wayne Belt in Murfreesboro, TN to get his advice and prayer.

Brother M.A. Thomas of Emmanuel Ministries in India was staying with Wayne at the time.  I had met Brother Thomas earlier that year when he came to Bible Pathway Ministries in Murfreesboro, TN where I was on staff.

We both had spoken at the annual Pathway Bible Conference earlier that year.  During our time together it became evident that we were compatible.  Brother Thomas had a heartfelt passion for God and a genuine compassion for people.


Dr. M. A. Thomas,
Director Emmanuel Ministries
Kota, India

Brother Thomas joined us as we shared our vision for ministry.  He got very excited when he heard that we felt led to start Source Ministries International in order to go to other countries and teach leaders about their true identity in Christ.  He stated that he believed pastors needed such help, especially in India.

His comments were truly challenging.  We all prayed together about this new ministry.  His prayer for us was most inspirational.

However, the greatest encouragement came when Brother Thomas pulled out a twenty dollar bill, handed it to me and said, “Here’s a donation to help you start this ministry.”  It was our first donation!

Wow, that touched my heart deeply!  I was reminded about the time when we were in Seminary.  The Lord led my wife Lue and I to give up eating meat so we would have enough money to provide monthly support for a local minister in India. He even led us to buy him a bicycle so he wouldn’t have to walk to do his ministry.

Now, ten years later a fellow minister from India was used of God to help us begin Source Ministries!  Truly we reap what we sow!  And today we are reaping a fruitful harvest of changed lives all over the world.  Praise God for His great faithfulness!


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