+Thanks for all your support, and for your heart that is willing to serve God at all cost. I am still getting good reports on lives that were changed by the hand of God during your conference. May all praise and glory be His forever more.
Pastor, Tennessee
+Thank you for your willingness to meet on such short notice. I appreciate your taking this family on as counselees. I have been greatly encouraged at the progress they seem to be making together. They are both very pleased with you, and seem to place a high level of confidence and trust in your ministry to them. I thank you again for your help.
Pastor, Georgia
Give me liberty, or give me death,” This famous cry for freedom was not just a heart-felt declaration of an historic colonial figure; but even more so, it was my personal cry to God.
During my eleven years as a Christian I had attempted everything the church told me to do in order to experience lasting freedom from sin. Some suggested that I simply needed to do more. So I tried to pray more, study my Bible more, attend church more and even witness more. Others concluded that I needed to be filled with the Spirit, know my spiritual gift, or learn how to worship.
While many of these things proved to be very helpful, none brought the lasting freedom I longed for. Furthermore these sincere endeavors left me tired and confused. I became burned—out on what I believed to be the essence of true Christian living.
What was my problem? I knew I was saved, but did I really know what that meant? If someone were to ask me, “What is a Christian?” I would have answered with a verb instead of a noun. In other words, for me, being a Christian meant doing something, rather than being someone.
In the midst of all this spiritual turmoil, the Lord impressed me to contact one of my former seminary professors, Dr. Lewis Gregory. I remembered that Dr. Gregory had a counseling ministry, and I was in desperate need of counseling.
Over the course of six months Lewis began explaining to me, from Scripture, what the root of my problem was: I had no realization of who I really was in Christ. To put it another way, I was suffering from an identity crisis! How was I to live as a child of God if I didn’t know what it meant to be one? Praise be to God, He answered that question for me!
During this period of counseling the freedom that I hungered so long for became a living reality. Lewis showed me that my victory over sin had already been accomplished at the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:13-15). For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3). It is a victory that I share in because my life has been joined inseparably to Christ Himself (Romans 6:1-11; 1 Corinthians 6:17). This was the truth that liberated me!
Although struggles have come since that time of counseling, the difference is that I now realize who I am in Christ. Therefore, I can reckon myself dead to sin and alive unto God through Jesus Christ my Lord. (Romans 6:11). Now I am fighting the good fight of faith. This is abundant living!
It’s not that prayer, Bible study, witnessing, spiritual gifts, etc. are unimportant. These things certainly have their rightful place in the Christian life. But when we hold up one of these aspects of Christian living as the answer to our problems and the key to victory over sin—we immediately find ourselves entangled in the same web of deceit that caught the Colossian church. And if you do, then like myself, you may discover that you are merely embracing shadows rather than the Substance (Colossians 2: 11-23).
So what Is God’s answer to lasting freedom’? It is Jesus Christ Himself! As our Lord promised, when He makes us free, we are free indeed (John 8:36). However, to experience this freedom as a living reality, you must know who you are in Christ. Then, by living out of your identity in Christ, you will be fighting from victory, instead of for victory. This is truly victorious Living! This is True Freedom!
Praise God I have finally found lasting freedom. I too am free indeed!
SK, Pastor, Georgia
Today I am filled with awe and gratitude. However that has not always been the case. Several years ago I went through my most profound heartache in ministry. It became necessary to shut down the church that I had planted and pastored for over 10 years. Although some tried to reassure me that I had not failed and that God had touched their lives; to me it was a failure.
I was grieved to see all of the church’s equipment disbursed to other churches, but the even deeper pain was the haunting feelings and disturbing thoughts. “What’s wrong with me? Why isn’t my church growing? Why couldn’t I lead my people to grander accomplishments? Why didn’t I detect the danger of certain people? Why wasn’t I more courageous and decisive in dealing with problems?” These questions cycled around in my mind in a toxic pattern, never leading to answers, but only causing doubt.
This was a time when I needed someone; but I didn’t even know who to pursue, or what I needed. During that excruciating season of emotional grief, professional displacement and personal doubt, God sent me a “Barnabas” in the person of Dr. Lewis Gregory. Dr. Gregory was there for me when I had nothing to offer, when my ministry was at “ground zero” and when others were not interested.
I remember the first few times we met. I was nervous, ready for Dr. Gregory to detect some “stronghold” in me, or for God to “tell Him” some profound insight to my life and ministry that God hadn’t told me. Because then I felt like I would be in a quandary regarding who or what to believe, and what to do about it.
But, what happened was something that had never happened in my 21 years of ministry. Dr. Gregory didn’t coach me on leadership techniques or ministry strategies. He “hung out with me.” We took walks along the river with his beagle dog Barney and talked about fishing, dogs, or nature—anything but ministry. He would share a Scripture with me affirming my identity in Christ or my calling from God. Then he’d pray for me while we sat by the stream with the sounds of birds singing and the water rushing over the rocks. One time, he and his dear wife Lue even took my wife and I to a Braves game. And later, when we were packing for our move to our new ministry, they came to our house to help and they also brought a box of donuts.
It was in that relationship with Dr. Gregory, during those times we spent together that I began to experience healing and find a focus for ministry and discover the future God had for me. Dr. Gregory shared with me how the love of Christ made me significant, and guaranteed His purposes for my life. The message that brought my healing became the foundation for my life and ministry. I don’t think I could have kept moving forward, much less face the next ministry God had for me without his help.
The new ministry to which God led me became the most intense ministry yet in my life. It was a start up ministry as a church planter. Every time I left the house, I was struck with the impossible task of turning nothing into something. In those moments of crisis a quick wave of fear and doubt would come over me. Then I would be tempted with the thought, “This time it’s over. This time you won’t survive.” But unlike before, I now had a deeper understanding of who I was and what I was here for. Therefore, I would intentionally affirm those truths that led me to the Source of my healing and I would take my stand in Christ. Then God would do something amazing!
Today I am confident of the transforming power of Jesus Christ. As a result of Dr. Gregory’s ministry to me, I have experienced His transforming power in my own life. Now I can face every day with enthusiasm, desire and vision. God continues to remind me, especially during the difficult times, of who I am and that His plans and purposes for me are guaranteed. He also continues to clarify my vision and build courageous leadership skills in me that help me endure the dark times and thrive in the bright times.
Thank you Dr. Lewis Gregory for serving God and strengthening me in the Lord!
HD, Pastor, Colorado
GOD SET ME UP – Pastor Gary Brown
Everybody hurts. Everybody needs help. Never be afraid to ask for help. At this time in my life, the closest thing to a mentor I had was Peter Lord, the pastor of Park Avenue Baptist Church in Titusville, Florida. I had never met Peter, but I bought his books. Peter built a retreat center at his church. Each year, he would invite pastors and their wives to Florida for a pastor’s retreat.
I knew we needed to go. I needed help. And I wanted to meet Peter.
The presenter for the week stood up to speak, and I couldn’t believe the words that came out of his mouth. He began to recount the times in his childhood when he was sexually molested.
Tears began to flow down my face. I found Pastor Peter Lord and told him my story. With all those pastors there, he took the time to counsel with me. He told me of a good biblical counselor in the Atlanta area, Dr. Lewis Gregory. (my relationship with Lewis was my salvation.)
Armed with what I hoped to be the help I needed, I headed back to Covington. I was scared. What was going to happen to me? Once I arrived back in Covington, immediately, I contacted Dr. Gregory and made an appointment.
I did most of the talking in our first few times together. First, I shared my history, including the details of the abuse. Then I talked about my current situation, the deep shame, and guilt that engulfed my soul.
Although it took several sessions, I finally revealed the worst of the worse. I’d never been so vulnerable. Everything laid bare at my counselor’s feet – the details of my youth, the sexual abuse, the porn, my strained marriage, the shame, the guilt.
I fully expected Lewis to tell me I was damaged goods, or that I needed to leave the ministry and that my marriage was over. I had caused too much pain and suffering.
That never happened. After divulging every sordid detail of my secret life, Lewis asked me, “Are you done? Have you told me the absolute worst of the story?” Emotionally exhausted, holding a tear-soaked Kleenex tissue, I somberly replied, “Yes, you’ve heard it all.”
Then, looking me in the eyes – my tearful, hopeless, aching eyes – Lewis said these words. “God still loves you, and so do I.”
I couldn’t believe what I heard.
I anticipated judgment; I received grace.
I expected righteous indignation; I received love.
I deserved rejection; Lewis accepted me.
Instead of a lecture, he reminded me of who I am in Christ.
It is hard to describe the range of emotions I was experiencing at the time. While the words Lewis spoke were soothing and they ministered to me, I felt so unworthy. I didn’t know if I could trust his assessment of me.
It is a common trait among abused people that they believe the abuse is their fault. Therefore, I thought I must be a terrible person to deserve this kind of treatment.
Lewis said I am loved.
How can someone who is so rotten be loved?
He said I was holy, that at salvation, God had made me righteous. How can that be? There is no way that someone like me could be holy and righteous.
That day marked the beginning of what became a three-year struggle between my brain and my heart. A fight between what I believed to be true and God’s truth. My heart wanted desperately to receive the words Lewis was speaking. I wanted it to be true, but my brain knew better.
The healing process took about four years to complete. And the reasons are many. But the first barrier was I thought all I needed was counseling. In reality, I didn’t need counseling; I needed an example to follow. I needed to be biblically discipled in the context of a relationship with someone whose life reflected the teaching.
My experience with Lewis wasn’t anything like I expected. I expected to come to an office once a week and share how my week went. Sure, we met weekly, but my relationship with Lewis was much more than a counseling session. It was fishing trips and weekends together. Whenever Lewis was speaking somewhere, many times, I would tag along.
When we were together, our time consisted of bible teaching, how things are going in our lives, and praying together. I believed my problem was pornography; Lewis believed I didn’t know who I was in Christ. I thought my problem was my sin, and Lewis believed that my problem was that I was not walking in the reality of who Jesus made me at salvation.
I thought the goal was not to do porn; Lewis said the goal was to take my eyes off my problem and set my gaze on Jesus. I learned that as Christians, the purpose of our lives isn’t not to sin; the goal is to surrender to Christ and allow Him to live His life through us.
Pastor Gary Brown is living proof that there is life after death. Our Lord raised him up, renewed him, restored him and made him whole. I praise God for the way Gary embraced the truth, received the life and has since then helped so many others do the same. Gary is a dear brother and true co-laborer! Dr. Lewis Gregory
Pastor Gary Brown – Founder and Managing Director at Reach America, September 2021
+ I thank you so much for the materials you sent to me. They have had a tremendous impact on me, and my life in general. I thought that as long as I can preach and do my work fine through my fleshly efforts, I had no other problem. But it was not until I read those materials, especially “Our Union in Christ” and “The New You, ” that I began to get it. I don’t have to try on my own. I just have to allow Christ to do the living for me, to be just my life!
Oh praise God! And I tell you Dr., it has been wonderful just inviting Jesus to live my life for me and allowing Him to do that which is impossible for me. God bless you Dr., for such a wonderful revelation. God has given you such insight and wisdom. Please keep up the good work.
Pastor, West Africa
+ Thanks. . . for your great help when I was in Atlanta. The Lord truly has delivered me. He healed my heart from the painful bondage of rejection, etc. He is so faithful! Over the past 2 months I’ve really known a difference. There is no question in my mind that He truly did meet, heal, & free me through your counseling.
Foreign missionary, Middle East
One day God answered my prayer to grow in the Lord. My pastor told me about a seminar I should attend. The speakers, God’s spiritual instruments, were Brother Lewis Gregory and two other Americans. One thing I can’t forget in my life during that seminar was the teaching on the ministry of the Holy Spirit! As soon as I heard about the work of God’s Spirit I knew it was for me.
The Lord showed me that I needed the Spirit’s power in my life. So when the invitation was given I immediately went to the altar for prayer. Brother Ben and Lewis prayed for me to be filled with the Holy Spirit. As they prayed I was overwhelmed by the presence of the Holy Spirit and fell before the Lord. The Lord lovingly and gently ministered unto me. I cried tears of joy as His peace flooded my soul.
That was six years ago. Since then God has blessed me with a godly Christian husband, Zaldy Gomez, who pastors the Paniqui Bible Christian Fellowship. Although there have been great victories I have also experienced personal struggles.
Therefore, I was greatly encouraged when Brother Lewis returned to the Philippines in December 1992. On Sunday morning he preached about “Living by Faith.” The Lord showed me that I needed to stop living so much by sight and start living completely by faith.
For example, I am a pastor’s wife. Our family lives on a fixed salary. Since our income is very limited I sometimes don’t have enough money to buy all the things we need. This causes me to feel disappointed. At times I have wondered if I should go back to my dental practice to earn additional money.
Until now this has left me in a real dilemma. But praise God when I heard Brother Lewis’s message I was able to understand my problem. I had been looking to our fixed income or my Dental Practice to supply our needs. I now know that I can trust God to supply all the needs of our family. Therefore I am now looking only to God as my source.
Praise God! I no longer feel obligated to earn money for our family. I believe it is God’s will for me to remain at home and care for our children. It is also my desire to help my husband with his ministry.
God is really alive and working mightily here in the Philippines. My husband and I are committed to being God’s servants for His glory. Please pray for us.
Pastor’s Wife, Philippines
+Dr. Lewis Gregory, Co-founder and President of Source Ministries is a dear, personal friend. God has used Lewis mightily in my life through his counseling ministry. God used Lewis as a major player in my healing from childhood abuse. If you are searching for strong biblical counseling, I highly recommend Lewis. He also is a gifted trainer and speaker for your congregation. His new book, “Introducing the New You” is a must read!
Gary Brown, Abstinence Pastor, The National Federation of Abstinence Educators, Georgia
One particular song frequently moved me to tears. It was a vivid description of my own life. Although a Christian, I could identify with the deep hurt expressed by Bob Bennett’s song “Man of the Tombs”.
Man of the tombs, he lives in a place where no one goes.
And he tears at himself and lives with a pain that no one knows.
I too lived in a place where no one else seemed to go. Where were the answers to the personal hell of this tomb life?
Somehow, I knew that this tomb life was not where God intended me to live. God had provided for me a most glorious redemption. Jesus Christ had gone to the cross for me. I was aware that He had done this so that I could have abundant life.
Why was I not fully experiencing the benefits of this total victory and freedom? I knew I was washed in the blood, dead to sin, indwelt by Christ and seated with Him in heavenly places. Why did I still find myself living in the tombs? I experienced a pervasive sense of oppression and heaviness. Where were the rivers of Christ’s life which He promised’! What was the blockage in my life?
My struggle was more than just the continued outward failure and condemnation described in Romans 7. This struggle was much more insidious and veiled with deception. God had shown me the foundational truths of the cross. I too had been crucified with Christ. It was Christ who was now indwelling me. I discovered that He came not to help me live life but to be my life (Colossians 3:3,4).
God was using my tomb life to reveal and expose areas where Satan, though defeated, still had ground. He had promised to guide and instruct me concerning the path of full freedom. In His time He would show me the reason for this bondage.
In response to the cry of one’s hurting heart God often sends someone as an instrument of His redemptive purposes. Just as God “in the fulness of time” sent Jesus, He also had a fulness of time for me to be set free. That time came when he sent Dr. Lewis Gregory into my life.
Through Lewis, God revealed two truths that I had heard but not truly seen – the truths of demonic strongholds and inner healing. I remember well his words, “I’ll stand with you until you come through this.” Lewis was giving expression to the living Christ who said, I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).
Through Lewis’s sharing with me God revealed the way in which I had yielded ground to the enemy. During that time God also used a Christian friend, Nancy Noble, and other teachings.
One day as Lewis prayed for me, the Lord literally set me free from the tomb-like oppression I had felt for so long. The grand and glorious beauty of Christ’s life was free to flow forth in ways I had never before experienced. True wholeness was now my present experience in Christ.
Yes, man of the tombs I was (past tense). I was! I was!! I was!!! Jesus has indeed brought me through to His glory. All praise to Him!
Many of you are experiencing this same tomb life. You too have read, studied and searched. Yet still you are there – in the agony of the tombs. The Lord has a special word just for you. I will place shepherds over them who will, tend them, and they will no longer be afraid or terrified (Jeremiah 23:4).
Christ says that those who are spiritually sick need a physician – but not a physician who binds up wounds superficially. I am convinced that Dr. Gregory is one of those physicians of God’s calling, sent to minister the true healing life of the Lord Jesus. Go to God and admit your need.
Contact Source Ministries for assistance. Let God give you true healing. Then you will be able to cry out with me in triumphant praise to our God, Man of the tombs, I was!
PB, Director of Counseling Ministry, Florida
Dr. Lewis Gregory is a superb communicator, whether verbally or in writing. His warm smile and meek manner disarm even the most cynical critics, allowing him to effectively present his concerns and God’s message. His dependability and honesty foster a high level of trust.
God has gifted Lewis with the ability to foresee trends and understand important issues at their onset. This discernment, in combination with his understanding of the political process, was invaluable to me as a Senator. In a world of misinformation, half-truths and outright lies, Lewis provided a reliable anchor. His wise, Biblical based counsel was a rock I could lean on; the vital encouragement needed to remain strong when faced with issues involving political expediency. His understanding of who we are in Christ, and his ability to express and teach this truth is foundational to his counsel.
Lewis remains a great friend, advisor, and confidant. He is a trustworthy source of encouragement and wise counsel. I gladly recommend him to any government leader desiring wise counsel and Godly advice.
Larry Salmans, Kansas State Senator/ Colonel United States Air Force, Kansas
Achieving in the job market is very important for many men. My dad was no exception. He was a very successful physician who simply adored his work. When Mom and Dad divorced, my father put more and more emphasis on his work.
As a child, I was intimidated by my dad. By the end of adolescence I was bitter because he was emotionally abusive. While in college, the Lord orchestrated my salvation. A fellow tennis player led me to Christ. I felt a huge burden lifted and was subsequently eager to evangelize as many people as possible. I soon began forcefully witnessing to my parents. My mother thought I’d “lost my marbles” and Dad was unreceptive. Later, I realized evangelizing my family needed to be an overflow of His love.
By the late 80’s my father’s health was seriously failing him. Two strokes, a brain tumor, and leukemia made Dad realize his mortality. God was allowing him to come to the end of his resources.
At the same time, God was bringing me to the end of my own fleshly efforts at living the Christian life. God had exposed me to some very liberating truths about Christian living through the counsel and teaching of two friends, Edward Church and Dr. Lewis Gregory. I discovered the secret of ceasing from my fleshly efforts and allowing Christ to live His life through me.
Once I yielded to the control of the Holy Spirit, He began to transform every area of my life. I developed a sense of confidence and self worth that I had never known before. God gave me a tremendous love for my father. He also substituted boldness for timidity. God enabled me to ask my parents’ forgiveness concerning my anger toward them. The Lord then worked it out so my father and I could spend more time together. Dad even began listening to some of my spiritual insights.
By 1990 my father’s health had declined drastically. He had to permanently leave his medical practice. This was devastating since Dad’s life was his work. Because be had lost his reason for living, he became very frustrated. In the next six months my father ran off three nurses due to his temper. He had become a very miserable man.
I will never forget October 1990 as long as I live. One night after my class at Luther Rice Seminary, I shared with my professor Dr. Lewis Gregory about my dad’s failing health and his need of salvation. Immediately, he and a friend, Bill Phillips, suggested we pray. The Lord led us in a time of intercessory prayer in which they bound Satan and received my father’s salvation. They also prayed for the Spirit’s anointing of boldness and power for me to share with him. We concluded by thanking God for Dad’s salvation.
The next week while visiting my father he began clutching his head in pain. Dad immediately requested that I pray for him. My heart was thrilled at Dad’s request because he had never spoken so specifically about God before. Dad had always been very uncomfortable talking about the Lord. As we prayed, the Holy Spirit prompted me to ask if he wanted to be saved. Dad indicated he was unsure of his eternal destiny and asked for God’s free gift of salvation.
I led my father in a prayer of salvation. Dad prayed, admitting he was a sinner. He then accepted Christ’s death on the cross and received the Lord Jesus Christ into his life. I explained that his sins were washed away and that he was now a new man in Christ I told him that not only did God love him, but now that Christ lived in him, he would have a God-given love for others. I cried tears of joy for two hours after Dad accepted Christ. God had not only broken down spiritual walls in my father’s life, but relational walls between us.
In September 1991 my father passed away. However, Dad’s life was not in vain. The love my father exhibited for his nurses, doctors, and family after his salvation was a testimony of God’s power and love for us all. Dad gave all the credit to God for extending his life and it showed in a magnificent way.
Galatians 6:9 says, Let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. In my life “the harvest” was Dad’s salvation. I am grateful that God graciously chose me to have a part in the process. Please do not give up on your parents’ salvation. As hard as some parents might be on the outside, they still have a soul that needs saving and a physical being that needs loving.
What the Lord did in my father’s life was miraculous! The Lord transformed an angry, bitter man into a loving, tender child of God. Likewise, He can do the same for you and your family.
WJ, Georgia
I am a Christian but my husband isn’t. He’s been abusive to me. We both finally reached the end of our rope and decided to end our marriage. I started getting really depressed. I couldn’t hear God anymore. I prayed for God’s will in our marriage.
The Sunday morning of the conference I almost didn’t make it to church. I couldn’t stand the thought of people seeing me in such a mess. But I managed to come anyway.
During the service I was deeply depressed. Then the Holy Spirit convicted me. I went forward and asked God’s help. He did just that, praise God! He sent Dr. Lewis Gregory to me. Before it was over God had revealed to Dr. Gregory several things in my life that caused my depression. God showed me He wanted to heal my broken spirit, soul, and body.
Dr. Gregory led me to the cross through prayer. I saw myself on the cross and accepted my death with Jesus! I felt all my burdens lifted. I saw myself as one with Christ. Then God put me in the grave with Jesus where my past was permanently buried. Next we were raised together and Jesus took me into the Father’s presence. Jesus placed me on a pedestal before Father God. I realized that God had become my Abba Father, my daddy.
What joy to experience His unconditional love and acceptance. But God was not through yet. My family has had problems with alcohol for generations. Dr. Gregory prayed and broke that curse. He asked the Lord to restore me. Then the Lord showed him that I had digestive problems and stomach ulcers. He prayed that I would be healed and my eating restored. The power of God came over me so strong all I could do was weep. When I left I had been truly renewed!
Since Dr. Gregory prayed, my stomach hasn’t been hurting and I have been very hungry! I am a brand new person in Christ. I no longer doubt God’s perfect power or plan for me. I now trust Him completely! I can’t wait to wake up each morning. I know that Christ lives in me. I am trusting Him to lead me and control my tongue. Thank you God. I love you Jesus!
WW, Georgia
A businessman from New Jersey wrote to us about some of his struggles and victories on his journey.
February 2004:
My current employer will wind down its operations necessitating a complete personnel lay off.
I can still recall when I was faced with a similar situation several years ago. Instead of resting in the Lord, I struggled and took the situation as a disappointment. Then I contacted you. You helped me know my true identity in Christ and how to cooperate with Him. Then you began praying for me. You even sent me encouraging reading materials.
Therefore today, irrespective of my forthcoming lay off, I am so thankful because I feel peace in my heart this time. I have assurance of the Lord’s presence and His promises. I told Him that I do not want to struggle the way I did before. I just want to flow with His plan, with His will. Lewis, please be one with me in prayer for the Lord to give me the spirit of wisdom & revelation, and for me to have a zealously obedient & willing heart.
My wife and I discussed the foregoing, lifted it up and gave thanks to the Lord. We confessed to put Him first at all times and to honor Him in everything. The Lord is our priority! We agreed that with respect to our current tithes and love gifts, we should endeavor to maintain the same by the grace of God and not to proportionately reduce it. How? By faith, my friend. By faith! The Lord will surely provide. We have a great God and nothing is too hard for Him!
September 2004:
I remember informing you about our company’s eventual closure. Since then I have felt the Lord’s loving comfort and assurance. He is in control. He is my God, and I am His son through Christ Jesus. My wife and I committed this unto the Lord with humbleness and fervency for we know that the Lord is our great Provider. The result? The Lord enabled us to give even more than what we gave before. It was indeed a joy. Hallelujah!
In mid-February, the 1st phase of the layoff came. My name was not called. Then the 2nd and 3rd phase came. My name was not called. The 4th phase came, and again, my name was not called. Yes, the FAVOR of God. He is so good!
He impressed me that He was preparing something for me. I kept my faith. Our Lord did not allow me to be bothered by my situation. He poured His grace upon me. Our Lord kept me under His umbrella. He protected me. He taught me how to focus, and to rely on Him and Him alone.
The competing company contacted me, and inquired if I was interested in their vacancy. I submitted this unto the Lord. They offered me the job. I did not say yes immediately. Again, I prayed to the Lord. You know what? They even increase their salary offer. The Lord made me realize that it was His will. Consequently, I accepted the offer. Truly our Lord does provide! Glory to God!!!
Lewis, only three people knew my situation. My wife, myself, and YOU. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for staying with me throughout this ordeal. Thank you for being my friend! PE, New Jersey
From: The Soldier’s wife
Subject: Please Pray
My husband, a soldier in Iraq, is in need of prayer. He sent me an email recently describing the situation and said that I could share it. Since he has been there his unit has lost some of their troops. Well, it has happened again, except this time right in front of him. My husband was out on a mission and saw two soldiers die and 3 are in critical condition. A total of 11 were wounded. This, as always, takes a toll on the families and friends of the troops. But it is especially difficult for the ones who see these terrible things.
Thankfully, my husband is okay, just emotionally hurt. It is all in God’s hands. Please pray for them. They need all the prayer they can get. If anyone would like to send a word of encouragement, that would be great.
From: The Soldier
Subject: It’s all in God’s Hands
Wow, some guys have it good, but it is nothing compared to what I have. Our families and friends are awesome, and we are really blessed. Thank you for sending the prayer request to church. I got 5-10 emails from complete strangers, and wrote them all back. That was so nice of them. Please thank them for me.
Well today we went on a mission to the same area where my buddies were killed two days ago. I have never been that scared in my life! None of us wanted to go to that area, and we were all nervous. We drove past the exact spot that we lost our brothers just two days ago. All of a sudden the brakes slammed to a complete stop on the Stryker. We all prepared because this is how it started last time, but there was no blast, or guns fired. Our gunner saw something strange, and we all stopped.
EOD (they check out and destroy bombs) came on site about 30 minutes later with us still waiting. The strange thing the gunner saw ended up being an IED (improvised explosive device). It was nearly twice the size of the one the other day. The one the other day was powerful enough to flip and destroy a 52 ton, (104,000 pound) vehicle and move it 35 feet in the air. Today’s was bigger, and there is no telling what it would have done. I was in the number one vehicle, so it would have killed all of us. That one soldier’s eyes stopped the same thing from happening again.
This is the first time we have noticed an IED, and we get attacked almost daily. God surrounded us with his guardian angels. There is no other explanation. I prayed, and thanked God. God must have something special planned for us. I just can’t wait to see what it is. Feel free to share this. It will show them how God is making sure to watch over me. I love you so much.
From: The Soldier’s Wife
Subject: Grateful for your prayers
I want to thank all of you who prayed and corresponded with my husband. It is because of your prayers that he and more troops are alive. There is some awesome power in prayer. What a mighty God we serve!
From: The Soldier
Subject: Thank You!
Dr. Gregory, Thank you for the email. It means a lot knowing that so many people have us in their prayers. I will try to get a copy of your booklet. I also want to thank you for your service to our Country. It is an honor to serve those who served before me. Thank you very much. God bless you.
From: Lewis
Subject: Your Good Report
Greetings Soldier, I got the good report from the email that was forwarded from your wife about the Good Lord’s answer to prayer in protecting you and your unit from that IED. Thank God for His mercy and grace. That was an amazing story of God’s Divine intervention. We are grateful to God for sparing your unit. May you continue to experience His presence and power in all that you do!
It is great to hear of your interest in my large book, INTRODUCING THE NEW YOU. I am working on additional financial provisions so that we can get my book to many more military units, including yours. Please pray for God’s provision to make it happen. Is it possible for us to mail a box of them for you to distribute? What do you suggest? I am determined to get a copy to you, one way or another. What mailing address can I send it to?
You might be interested in this account of one of my experiences while on R&R during the Vietnam War. It was nothing like what you are going through, but it might speak to you nonetheless.
An example of the need
for Spiritual Reinforcements
As you can see from this brief exchange of emails, our troops really need our support. Since that time, through the help of Operation Sandbox, a Care Package was sent to this soldier containing 10 copies of our small book, THE ULTIMATE MAKEOVER! Please be sure and remember to pray for our troops.