. . Most marriages start out hopeful, excited and even expectant. But how about now? What is your marriage like today? Take a listen to find out what a successful marriage is like. The answer might just surprise you. Some marriages are good, others are Ok and some are questionable. In life, as in marriage, […]
Continue reading...9. August 2022
True romance, meaningful romance, enduring romance is only available for those who are romancing the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. When King Jesus is your true love, then His love will flow through you to your spouse, your children, your friends, your co-workers and even your enemies. Once you love the Lord your […]
Continue reading...17. November 2021
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THERE IS A VERY UNHEALTHY TREND of verbal abuse that’s escalating worldwide. My heart is heavy because of the destructive effects that this is having in our nation and the world. Verbal abuse is vicious, malicious, vehement speech—both written and oral. Most verbal abuse is based upon lies, distortions and exaggerations. Verbal abuse often targets religion, […]
Continue reading...20. June 2020
“But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” John 1:12 WHEN GOD BECOMES OUR HEAVENLY FATHER – When God becomes our Heavenly Father, we obtain sonship. Sons of God . . . now that’s quite an honor! To be […]
Continue reading...8. June 2019
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WHEN you experience LEAN TIMES consider this: “But she said, ‘I swear by the LORD your God that I don’t have a single piece of bread in the house. And I have only a handful of flour left in the jar and a little cooking oil in the bottom of the jug. I was just […]
Continue reading...11. May 2018
Today the pressures and responsibilities of life are great. It seems like there’s always something, something problematic such as: financial obligations, marital conflicts, unruly children, faulty products, accidents, etc. And no one is exempt! A common expression is, “Oh no, not again!” People in the days of Jesus experienced similar situations. The Bible story of […]
Continue reading...29. November 2015
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Dr. Lewis Gregory Prelude/Processional *Music *Minister & Groom walk in together *Groomsmen make their entrance on side *Grandparents Seated *Parents seated *Bridesmaids, then maid of honor *Ring bearer & flower girl enter Bride’s Entrance/Giving Away of the Bride Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of Groom and Bride, welcome to this momentous occasion. Well […]
Continue reading...14. February 2015
Comments Off on The Ideal Valentine
If you want to have a valentine, then you need to be the kind of valentine someone would want to have. “A man that has friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18:24) What makes for the ideal VALENTINE? VALENTINE’S DAY is commonly associated with LOVE, and rightly so, because LOVE […]
Continue reading...5. May 2013
LADIES FIRST is considered an act of courtesy or respect. Regardless of how you view the practice of allowing ladies to go first, it’s just good manners. Although, it hasn’t always been that way and it’s still not that way in some places. Think about this; Jesus appeared to women first after His resurrection. The […]
Continue reading...29. April 2013
LISTEN: Superabounding Love–We all go through hard times and encounter hurtful, hateful people. Every day on the news there are more reports of global tragedy. Let’s face it; it’s a hard cruel world. But God’s love covers it all! What this old world needs is a good dose of God’s love. God’s love can take […]
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7. September 2022
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