Source Ministries International, Inc. is a faith-based discipleship ministry, established in November of 1982. When I was first starting out in the ministry in 1971 the Lord assured me from Genesis 12:2 that He was going to bless me so that I might be a blessing. Our desire at Source Ministries is to be a channel of blessing to others. God has also blessed us with a godly Board of Directors who can offer words of biblical wisdom and practical guidance.


sourcepaypal2At Source Ministries, we are committed to being good stewards of the resources that our Lord has entrusted to us. Especially since He instructs us that it is required of stewards that a man be found faithful. Our sound fiscal policy is evidence of this faithfulness. This has been demonstrated by the fact that we have always paid our bills on time and have never had any past due debts. We believe that integrity is absolutely essential to anyone who represents the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Here at Source Ministries, we are dependent upon our Heavenly Father, as our sole source, to supply all of our needs through the generous and compassionate contributions of people just like you. In 1971 the good Lord also called my attention to Matthew 6:33. He made it clear that if I would seek Him then He would provide for all of our needs. Then in 1974 He called my attention to Matthew 6:6 where He instructed us to tell our Father in secret and he would reward us openly.


We have learned by experience that 1 Thessalonians 5:24 is very true. “Faithful is He that calls you, who also will do it.” You can trust God with your life. He is faithful, and He will take care of you! He has done so in this ministry, in the most amazing ways, through some of the most wonderful people.


We are where we are today because of the selfless and sacrificial giving of many precious people for whom we are eternally grateful! Praise God for every single person who has had any part in advancing God’s kingdom through Source Ministries. God bless you!

Source Ministries International, Inc. is a faith-based discipleship ministry, established in November of 1982. When I was first starting out in the ministry in 1971 the Lord assured me from Genesis 12:2 that He was going to bless me so that I might be a blessing. Our desire at Source Ministries is to be a channel of blessing to others. God has also blessed us with a godly Board of Directors who can offer words of biblical wisdom and practical guidance.

At Source Ministries, we are committed to being good stewards of the resources that our Lord has entrusted to us. Especially since He instructs us that it is required of stewards that a man be found faithful. Our sound fiscal policy is evidence of this faithfulness. This has been demonstrated by the fact that we have always paid our bills on time and have never had any past due debts. We believe that integrity is absolutely essential to anyone who represents the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Here at Source Ministries, we are dependent upon our Heavenly Father, as our sole source, to supply all of our needs through the generous and compassionate contributions of people just like you. In 1971 the good Lord also called my attention to Matthew 6:33. He made it clear that if I would seek Him then He would provide for all of our needs. Then in 1974 He called my attention to Matthew 6:6 where He instructed us to tell our Father in secret and he would reward us openly.

We have learned by experience that 1 Thessalonians 5:24 is very true. “Faithful is He that calls you, who also will do it.” You can trust God with your life. He is faithful, and He will take care of you! He has done so in this ministry, in the most amazing ways, through some of the most wonderful people.

We are where we are today because of the selfless and sacrificial giving of many precious people for whom we are eternally grateful! Praise God for every single person who has had any part in advancing God’s kingdom through Source Ministries. God bless you!


How it all began


Please pray about helping us share the liberating message of God’s amazing grace in union with Christ through the following:

+ Conference

+ Counseling

+ Distribution of Materials to the US Military

+ Distribution of Materials in the United States

+ Distribution of Materials to Foreign Countries

+ General Operating Expenses

+ Mission Trips

+ Publishing

+ Retreats

+ Translation of Teaching Material


What’s a Christian to do?


As the economic conditions have gotten worse, appeals from charitable organizations seem to be increasing. Unfortunately, the fraudulent and irresponsible organizations are also increasing. Therefore, it behooves every committed Christian to be more conscientious than ever regarding the stewardship of his or her resources. Let me offer you some suggestions about your charitable giving.

Most financial appeals are directed toward either your intellect or your emotions. Often the appeal makes sense and appears to be going to a good cause. Evidence may even be offered about how productive the investment is. Therefore, you may be prone to conclude that the only logical thing to do is give to such a worthy cause. Emotional appeals, on the other hand, tend to make you want to give out of a sense of duty or pity. These appeals frequently leave you feeling so deeply touched that you feel guilty if you don’t give.

There is certainly a place for legitimate intellectual and emotional appeals. The Lord did say a person should count the cost. And He Himself was moved with compassion when He saw the condition of the multitudes. But while emotional and intellectual factors do play a part, they should not be the determinate factor.

What then should motivate your giving? In James 4:15 we are instructed to do that which the Lord directs according to His will. The prophets spoke as they were moved by the Spirit of God (II Peter 1:21). We are told in Romans 8:14 that in order to live as God’s sons we must be led of God’s Spirit. A true servant of God, according to Romans 6: 17, is one who obeys God from the heart. Finally, 2 Corinthians 5:7 tells us we are to walk by faith not by sight.

To merely respond to an emotional or intellectual appeal is to walk by sight. The only appeal to which you are obligated is the one God makes to your heart by His Spirit! Although God may appeal to your emotions and intellect to get your attention, it is the still small voice of the Spirit that you must respond to. May God grant you the wisdom and discernment necessary to give according to His will, under the leadership of His Spirit! And be sure to pray about it!

Copyright©2005 Dr. Lewis Gregory  Source Ministries International



Source Ministries is committed to the work of God’s Kingdom. And you can have a vital part in advancing God’s kingdom through Source Ministries. The legal structure of Source Ministries is that of a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. All donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated. If you need additional information feel free to ask.

Please make your contribution today!

Over 100,000 dollars worth of discipleship materials have been given away so far!

Please make a donation to help us share this liberating message with many more.

Together we can make a difference!


Some example of these donations:


     As a Vietnam Veteran, I remember quite well how meaningful it was to get a letter or package from home while I was in the military. It was especially helpful to receive a Scripture verse, an article or a pamphlet about the Lord. Those “spiritual reinforcements” were very comforting and encouraging. I am certain that God used them to get me through an extremely difficult and trying time in my life.

Lewis Gregory USN 1967


     That is why I am so grateful to God for allowing us the privilege of being able to help our American military who were standing in harms way, in defense of our country. The Lord blessed us with the opportunity to work with Operation Sandbox from 2007 until it was dissolved in 2017. Their ministry sent Care packages to our troops. Several different sources referred to the growing spiritual interest among our military on the battlefield. The director of Operation Sandbox said they were constantly getting requests from our soldiers for Christian materials.

     Therefore Operation Sandbox included a copy of our book, The Ultimate Makeover, in their care packages. This was a great way to TUM Front_2encourage our troops that were sacrificing so much for our country. The Ultimate Makeover is an excellent Evangelism/Discipleship tool that provided spiritual reinforcements the troops so desperately needed.

     Here is a note from a Military Chaplain in Afghanistan. I recently moved from the chapel where I last saw some of your booklets, The Ultimate Makeover. I would like to have some in the chapel where I am now.  I have some new converts that I would like to take through your book. If you can, it would be nice to have some sent to us. People pass them around after they are through reading them.

     This was a tangible way for us to express our appreciation to troops and make an eternal difference in their lives at the same time!

     Our thanks to all those who helped fund this MISSION project on behalf of our American military. May God bless America!




We are still giving The Ultimate Makeover away to help others to know and grow in the Lord. Thousands of The Ultimate Makeover have been given out in many different countries around the world in 5 different languages.
















OPPORTUNITIES ABOUND for you to make a spiritual investment in the lives of others by designating your gift to Spiritual Reinforcements. Help us share the liberating message of God’s amazing grace through our union with Christ!

Make a Spiritual Investment

Designate your gift for Spiritual Reinforcements


make your check payable to Source Ministries

and mail to the address below.

THANK YOU for making an eternal investment in God’s kingdom!

We are eternally grateful for your faithful assistance.

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. 

My love be with you all in Christ Jesus.”

(1 Corinthians 16:23-24)




Writing:  Source Ministries International, Inc.
1765 Cobble Creek Way
Cumming, GA

Calling: 678-457-7312



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