Champions Arise!

-Where are all the champions? Where are those who would champion the cause of our Lord Jesus Christ? There is a great need for men and women who will shine as lights in the midst of the darkness.  But how can we stand against the enormous giants that roam the Earth? God only knows! And He has made ample provision for those who are “in Christ.” It’s time for all true champions to arise! 1 Samuel 17  LISTEN:


4 Responses to “Champions Arise!”

  1. Edward Says:

    Amen Brother !Yes -(2nd Peter 1:12,13 for Hebrews 3:13 )
    In the true Reality for Normality without Formality !

  2. Dana Says:

    Hi, you two. I saw this neat video and I think this call to “arise” is so good. In our nation we must “arise” now as never before for the demonic forces are attacking as never before! I made a check out to you some time ago but failed to send it. I was waiting for a chance to go through all my donation mail and get things organized. Bless you as you serve Jesus.


  1. […] Where are all the champions? Where are those who would champion the cause of our Lord Jesus Christ? There is a great need for men and women who will shine as lights in the midst of the darkness.  But how can we stand against the enormous giants that roam the Earth? God only knows! And He has made ample provision for those who are “in Christ.” It’s time for all true champions to arise! Rise up oh men of God! Listen to my message calling all champions to arise. […]