I have been a contributing writer for the International Fellowship of Exchanged Life since 2014. See my article on “The First Step to Knowing God” in the X-Changing Life Magazine featuring Writers Of The Exchanged Life (Fall 2014) http://issuu.com/iomamerica/docs/x-changing_life__fall_2014_edited
My articles are also sent out periodically by email. Here is an example: http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=6a40999d-21d4-4190-93de-ef19794e5b5f&c=7fa2db60-4216-11e3-9088-d4ae5275dbea&ch=813ab970-4216-11e3-90f6-d4ae5275dbea
The purpose of the International Fellowship of Exchanged Life is to help members of the body of Christ to experience, mature in, and communicate effectively the message of identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension in their various spheres of influence, so that all may know Christ as Savior, Lord, and Life. IFEL is dedicated to promoting members in providing practical and proven training, conferences, preaching and counseling, or any other form of ministry, to equip each participant in embracing the life-transforming message of the Exchanged Life—”Not I but Christ.”
Please pray for my outreach through this ministry!
Thu, Sep 24, 2015
MEDIA, Ministries, TEACHING, Written Articles